A central place for Samsonite’s emblem
Since the early 20th century, Samsonite has unchangeably been a symbol of quality and comfort in the luggage manufacturing sector. And if there is one thing that díd change over the years, it is the position of its emblem, so significant for Samsonite’s logo.
In 2006, the company wanted to rethink the logo and give the abstract symbol invented back in 1965 more substance and meaning within the trademark.
As Samsonite wanted its logo to gain more depth and become more compact and functional, we looked into the whole range of possibilities, so as to create a coherent, unique and even more recognisable logotype.
Continue reading to discover the process behind this case.
Approach and methodology
For decades, the iconic Samsonite ‘bagel’ — a circular shape made out of four crescents — found its place on the left side of the brand name. However, the company felt that this emblem was somehow out of place and did not bear a meaningful function. In other words, it didn’t tell much of a story (historically, the crescents were meant to represent brand values). We were therefore asked to demystify its presence in order to re-establish harmony between the brand sign and the brand essence.
Since the solution offered to the ‘bagel’ conundrum was to be applied worldwide, it was important to come up with a creative idea that would not only bring meaning but would also be scalable and cost-effective in implementation across corporate and customer touchpoints.
A creative idea that would not only bring meaning but would also be scalable and cost-effective in implementation
O stands for bagel
During the multiple consultation sessions spent together with Samsonite on figuring out how to best approach the situation, we provided a series of alternatives for the ‘bagel’. While most of these choices were graphical derivatives of the emblem that would eventually create a revisited brand sign, one innovative idea stood out: incorporating the ‘bagel’ in the name itself, instead of the letter ‘o’. As a result, the original symbol could become an integral part of the logo as well as the brand name.
With this efficient logotype, we met the initial need of giving a function to the emblem, keeping the brand heritage in mind. Additionally, this change ended up saving the company quite a lot of money, as this simplified version of the logo is easier to apply on products, in points of sale as well as on corporate buildings and warehouses. All in all, thanks to this both creative and strategic decision, Samsonite will carry around its revamped logo for decades to come.